What personal information should you include and exclude from your CV and why?
The standard inclusions are pretty straight forward so they don’t need much explaining. When writing your CV include your full name, your direct phone number, your email address, a link to your LinkedIn profile and the city in which you live or are planning to work in if you are relocating. You don’t need to enter your full address on your CV, this is a privacy concern and nobody has physically posted employment acceptance or rejection letters within the last ten years.
The equality act has made it no longer necessary to include your date of birth, race, marital status, sexual orientation or nationality. To ensure you don’t fall victim to discrimination, don’t include these on your CV, they are not required. Also, don’t include your visa status, this will show that you are foreign and this is the leading area of discrimination candidates face at the CV review stage.
If you hold a specialist driving license relevant to the position, show this on your CV. However, if you’re a seasoned professional, and driving isn’t an aspect of the position, don’t include your license information, this isn’t relevant.
For more information on our CV writing service visit the services page of our website. Our professional resume writers are always on hand to assist with your application.